Nail polish sales are abnormally high right now
What was once my quirky pass time has become a habit of desperation
The only consolation is I’m not the only one
Instead of answering the phone when friends try to check in
Instead of applying for jobs I’m overqualified for
Instead of debating whether to apply for jobs I’m under qualified for
I buff, file, fuck up and re-paint my nails
Stab at my cuticles in a war against my own unmanageableness and call it self-care
Force myself into docility because god help me if I smudge the only thing that is giving me a
sense of accomplishment
Mix and match colors to spark my decaying creativity
It started with pale pinks
A show at innocence three coats thick so the mirror couldn’t blame me for the end of the world
as we knew it
Then I had to paint them black for the revolution
For my brothers
then I realized the revolution wouldn’t paint their nails purple to acknowledge the bruises on my
On my sisters
So I did it myself
I painted my nails green to manifest the stimulus
Then white to mourn and pray that all the opportunities I lost only got delayed
and not deferred
I paint my nails red to motivate me up the hill of my procrastination
But I scrape it off on the underside of the dining room table two days later
I paint them blue to calm the predatory anxiety I bring upon myself
I return to yellow every other week as a tribute to Oshun
To inspire divine thought, To feel worthy of this melanin
Then I have to paint my nails orange to hide my rage
That every color is exalted against my skin but I do it and my ancestors a disservice as I sit here
There are pages to write and read
There are friends to call and console
And there are paths to walk
But I keep painting my nails
Saffron, gold, royaltea
Mint, cerulean, peak-a-blue
Now they are the color of the sky during a storm
And my hope is that if I can just get the storm outside of myself the thunder will stop shaking me
at night
lightning will stop striking the nerves I have been so desperately trying to paint over
The caps are scarred by my teeth
But the bottles shine like gems and I pretend that they are worth more than $10 a piece
I’m going through colors like toilet paper
Like liquor bottles
Like sleepless nights
I’m looking for a color that will cure it all
I’m looking for a color that will bring me back to life
Alexzundra Tillman (she/her) is a senior at Columbia University studying creative writing. She is an aspiring writer and director whose work can be found on MidWave Mag.