TWR Board Application Name * First Name Last Name Email * Please tell us about your experience at Columbia College, and why you are interested in applying to be a member of the That Which Remains (TWR) editorial board. * Do you have prior experience working with a publication, creative and/or news, either on campus or externally? If so, please indicate if you worked in an editorial capacity or as a contributor (or both). * What experience have you had with social justice organizations, if any? * Of the following areas of interest, please indicate the top three genres/categories you would be interested in working on. * Fiction Non-Fiction Poetry Web Design Outreach/Social Media No Preference Describe one way in which you would try to encourage your peers at CC, SEAS, GS, and members of our justice-oriented community at large, to become involved with the TWR. This idea can be for thematic content, a writing prompt, an event, a marketing/social media campaign, etc. Thank you for your application! We will try to get back to you soon.